Instytut Europy Środkowej


Data Czas Temat Organizator
24--28.05 16.00 30 lat relacji polsko-ukraińskich w kontekście przeszłości Drabczuk
20.05 10.00 Lublin Central Europe Forum 2021 (12,13,14 Panele Zoomowe)
20 maja TVP Lublin transmituje

13.05/13:00 - The 30th Anniversary of the Breakup of Yugoslavia: Dissolution and its Consequences (Panel 3 Pawłowski)
13.05/10:00 - 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the future of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership (Panel 2)
12.05/10:00 - Visegrad Group at 30: Achievements and Challenges (Panel 1 Tatarenko)
11.05 13.30 Albania after the elections: more of the same old story? Domachowska
29.04 11.00 NATO 2030: perspektywa Polski, Niemiec i USA Stępniewski
28.04 11.00 Within and Beyond Common History – from the Constitution of May 3 to the present Polish-Lithuanian relations Kuczyńska
21.04 16.00 EU enlargement: What went wrong and when? Muś

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  • REGON: 382102374
  • NIP: 7123378811

Instytut Europy Środkowej
